Learning and Development

Learning and Development/ Training

Progress is the exchange of knowledge ...

Today it is more important than ever to have the right people in the right place. Due to the rapid technological change, it is also essential that they can then maintain and expand their skills and competencies.

The Abbrivio team has a long track record of supporting local and global customers in this task.
We have defined L&D strategies, managed programs, ensured the implementation of training measures, accompanied companies from switching from a purely trainer-led class to blended and e-learning and virtual classrooms and innovative moment of need support tools, that provide the relevant information. when needed, integrated into companies. We have also designed newer technologies such as AR / VR (Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality) and remote expertise environments and we can say that we have helped customers to successfully outsource training administration and to the selection and further management of partners and suppliers.

Although we are manufacturer-agnostic, i.e. not connected to a specific platform, LMS or HR system, we have partnerships with other organizations that help us to offer the most modern services in this market.

We can do that for you

  • Analysis of the current learning strategy and recommendations for possible optimization
  • Definition of requirements and recommendation of the media mix
  • Vendor management - selection of suitable partners, products and suppliers
  • Planning and organizing as well as controlling and reviewing the change process
  • Analysis of process-relevant channels and potential disruptive factors
  • Involve internal and external target groups that are affected by the change process
  • Development of a holistic concept with ad hoc measures
  • Implement the concept in the overall process
  • Development of training materials in the media mix / blended learning
  • Training administration
  • Implementation of training programs
  • Success control and controlling

We are developing business in people

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